
Fax Fries - chips

  • Bean, A (2010) Anita Bean’s Sports Nutrition for Young Athletes.
    A&C Black Publishers Ltd.
  • Burke, D G et al (1998) ‘Glycaemic Index – a new tool in Sports Nutrition.
    International Journal of Sports Nutrition, 8, 401-415
  • Dept. of Health (1991) Dietary reference value for food energy and nutrients for the UK.
  • Hargreaves, M et al (2004) ‘Pre-exercise carbohydrate and fat ingestion: effects on metabolism and performance’.
    Journal of Sorts Science, 22, 1, 31-38Burty Biscuit
  • Wu, C L and Williams, C (2006) ‘A low glycaemic index meal before exercise improves endurance running capacity in men’.
    Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism

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We are grateful for their content and acknowledge the authors.

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